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10 Easy Ways to Organize And Decorate Your Bookshelves

by:LEEVANS     2020-11-10
Most people shy away from bookshelves, fearing its potential for clutter, not to mention dust. But they can serve as your mini-library, as well as turned into a story-telling display at one time. 1. Mix books and objects. To make it interesting, mix books several objects around the family home. Think of the basic elements of design-good balance and proportion provides shelves an orderly actually feel. But don't overdo it; cramming your shelves full of things help establish it sag. 2. Color theory. Create a pretty bookshelf by organizing your books by shade of its spine. Put all yellows together, greens together, and the like that makes it look more organized. 3. Abutt a book. No bookend available? Keep your books or magazine from tipping from all the shelves by abutting it with other stacked magazines or books of switching the size. 4. Bookend, there you are!. Another solution to missing bookends-a single stack of books flanked by two freestanding, heavy accessories makes for great basic arrangement and works easier than expected. 5. Stack me right. Who says books may fundamentally be kept standing on spines? A mixture of stacked and standing books looks more exciting than some row of identically stored books. 6. Artistic really reads. Beautiful and colorful art pieces (like a small painting or sculpture) peeking around a small stack of books can jazz up a bookshelf. 7. Top deep. Place bigger accessories on the topmost shelves, since they could be recycled used on a daily basis. This way, they are seen well and keep your place organize. 8. Travel guides. To make your shelf tell a story, throw in souvenirs you've picked up from your trips to show guests where you've been and how is actually usually. 9. Label which it. If you want to go the library way, stick colored tape (available at school supply stores) to the spine of your books. Assign a color to a theme (food, interiors, fiction, etc.) and label it with a pen for easy reference. 10. Lighten Boost!. Limit your stack of books from 10 to 12 each only enable keep the set-up uncluttered and light.
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