Is LEEVANS luxury hangers repurchase rate high?
The clients of luxury hangers under LEEVANS GROUP CO., LIMITED. are clients who've established long-term partnerships with us. We perfectly fulfill the requirements of each client. We provide convenience for repeat clients.
LEEVANS GROUP has made an outstanding achievement in clothes display stand industry. LEEVANS GROUP focuses on providing a variety of clothes display stand for customers. LEEVANS GROUP decoration display has to be inspected in different aspects. These aspects are electrical properties, cut resistance, longitudinal and torsional stiffness, and biomechanical comfort. The product can be used to hang all kinds of clothes, like the suit, coat, jacket, shirt, pant, skirt, and dress. With years of business practice, we has established ourselves and maintained excellent business relationship with our customers. Its hook is made of durable chrome endowed with the good anti-rust property.
We endeavor to do our part in our company. We take into account our social and environmental obligations to the local communities around our plant.
LEEVANS GROUP has made an outstanding achievement in clothes display stand industry. LEEVANS GROUP focuses on providing a variety of clothes display stand for customers. LEEVANS GROUP decoration display has to be inspected in different aspects. These aspects are electrical properties, cut resistance, longitudinal and torsional stiffness, and biomechanical comfort. The product can be used to hang all kinds of clothes, like the suit, coat, jacket, shirt, pant, skirt, and dress. With years of business practice, we has established ourselves and maintained excellent business relationship with our customers. Its hook is made of durable chrome endowed with the good anti-rust property.
We endeavor to do our part in our company. We take into account our social and environmental obligations to the local communities around our plant.
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