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Just the Proper Coat Rack To complete Your Own Decor

by:LEEVANS     2020-06-22
There was a big empty spot on the wall and an old brass coat hook on your back of the crate door. The ancient coat hanger had finally broken off under the of too many numerous jackets and winter applications. The demise of that old hook was the starting point of a room redesign we been putting off for too long. The room in question was a little used family room at the bed of the house. The area had been partitioned off years before from the garage by a previous owner. It was long and narrow, with an image window along one wall and a hand-built brick fireplace at the far end. The walls were sheathed in rough-cut knotty pine that had been stained at least 14 times and were now an uniform dull black. The textured ceiling and fancy crown molding, along with the solid walnut mantelpiece within the brick fireplace, gave the area an antique and rustic feel that we desire to preserve and enhance. To begin we emptied the room of the accumulated boxes, bits of furniture and bric-a-brac that seem to accrete like sea floor sediments wherever there's extra storage space from a house, then we cleaned and scrubbed the place thoroughly. We had ignored the parquet wooden roof tiles that we had hidden under an old braided rug when we first moved in. Since the knotty pine had been stained so many times, we knew manufacturer new coat of stain could do nothing to relieve the gray dullness, therefore we opted for a thick coat of semi-gloss latex paint. We agonized over-the-counter color, but in the conclusion decided on a custom light green color, called Mint, that complimented the dark walnut of the mantelpiece and the darkly varnished crown molding and trim. It looked great, and after a new coat of bright white on the ceiling, the room was ready to garnish. The old coat hook came off the door, pictures were hung, shelves installed. A new area carpet went on ground and a recliner including a love seat and lamps and end tables were positioned just right. Your own centerpiece of the new room, the 64' lcd television, was installed above the mantel. It was exceptional. Except for that big empty spot on the wall by the cover. We solved that last problem by using a shelved coat rack with four antiqued brass coat hooks that fit perfectly in the space. We kept wondering why we had never done anything with the space before.
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